Ocean + Ikivo

Ikivo and Ocean Observations have a partnership to create exciting new concepts for mobile applications by combining Ocean’s design and mobile culture expertise with the advanced Ikivo SVG graphics platform.

So we decided to break industry patterns and mix high-tech interaction design ideas with Pop cultural references to create added value for the most important person in the world — the consumer — by making every little interaction point fun to use and adding emotional value to functionality

The Ocean + Ikivo Heatmap Music Player
There is a reason records came with elaborate cover designs — people are very visual and emotional beings. The Ikivo + Ocean MP3 player mixes this fact with some pretty advanced thinking in the area of visual interaction. The music library is organised around a heat map, where the music files are represented by genre rectangles, whose sizes are dependent on how many songs you have from the particular genre. Showing the world that listening to music shouldn’t feel like wading through another Excel spreadsheet.

Music Browser

Combining a lot of content with a small screen immediately puts you in a tricky situation. Typically, this is what usually happens when one makes use of the huge storage space most phones comes with today. At Ocean we tried to come up with a concept where one can easily navigate a large number of music files without getting lost or losing the overview of the result. In the same screen the user can find all albums, songs and reviews related to an artist by navigating between and within the sections using long and short press. There is also an option to zoom in and out depending if the user is browsing or reading the texts in depth.

Black ODP

The future of mobile phones is much more than talking. With the Black ODP (On Device Portal) Ikivo brings TV, Video, Web, News and more to the handset in a convenient and lickable way. Utilizing the capabilities of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Ocean designed an animated GUI featuring a emulated light source for navigation

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