Ubiquam: Challenging the Big Dogs with a total design solution

Ubiquam came to Ocean Observations with a clear business goal: to create a CDMA dual mode mobile telephone aimed at the European Businessman. This might have been a pretty straightforward job if it weren’t for the fact that Ocean was contracted to deliver both the physical form of the handset and the graphical user interface, and to get it ready for rollin’ in only 5 months.

The target audience is pretty well mapped out, and it was not a group who is looking for a revolution but rather for merits such as high capacity, reliability and good quality. We found a good balance in the industrial design and managed to create a feeling of conservative high tech, oozing of confidence and power.

By letting this be reflected in the GUI with very few colours and a highly stylized symbol language we believe that the u520 has all what it needs to challenge some of the world’s largest Brands in mobile communication.

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